September-October 2023

Newham Mosaic Project: September and October Achievements Report

Overview: During September and October, the Newham Mosaic Project focused on outreach and partnership development, laying the groundwork for meaningful community engagements and activities. Here is a summary of our achievements during this period:

1. Partnership Development:

  • Tee Fabikun and Carpenter’s Cafe: Established a partnership with Tee Fabikun, who runs a food bank at Carpenter’s Cafe in Stratford. Exploring opportunities for workshops utilising the cafe’s modern Computer Suite.
  • Cornerstone Cafe: Collaborated with Cornerstone Cafe, opposite the Memorial Community Church, to host the Newham Writers Book Club starting on 2nd November.
  • Jazzanne Drama Group: Forged a connection with the Jazzanne Drama group, which is working on a play about food banks. Exploring ways to involve the drama group in our Immersive Exhibition in April 2024.

2. Community Engagement Initiatives:

  • Food Club and Conversation Kitchen: Planned to open a food club at the Memorial Church in November, integrating social needs by hosting a ‘conversation kitchen,’ encouraging cultural exchange and dialogue among attendees.
  • Drumming and Storytelling Workshop (November 18): Organising a workshop led by renowned drummer Tom Morley and storyteller Dawn Ellis. This event, aimed at community volunteers, will serve as the public launch for the Mosaic Project, fostering community team building.

3. African Arts Workshops:

  • Rescheduled Dates: Initially planned African Arts workshops for late October were postponed due to a partner’s exit. Decision made to reschedule these workshops to November after the public launch, ensuring adequate planning and publicity for optimal community participation.

Upcoming Events:

  • Newham Writers Book Club: Begins on 2nd November at Cornerstone Cafe, 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
  • Food Club and Conversation Cafe Launch: November opening at the Memorial Church, focusing on social interaction and cultural exchange.
  • Drumming and Storytelling Workshop: Public launch event on November 18, promoting community team building.

Conclusion: The Newham Mosaic Project’s strategic approach in September and October involved building strong partnerships, designing engaging community initiatives, and rescheduling events for maximum impact. These efforts reflect our commitment to fostering a vibrant, inclusive community through creative and meaningful activities.