Mavis Wenham

Board Director ANKH Place CIC

Peace Within Creates Peace Without

Mavis Wenham is a qualified youth worker and Social Worker, with a background in youth work, community development, generic and specialist social work and management, commissioning, resident engagement, project management and significantly contributes to PPIE. Her management spans Local Authorities, Health and VCFS and she is a Non-Executive Director for a GP Federation and a Private Health Trust. She is a Public Contributor for NIHR and a visiting Lecturer and Consultant with two Universities. Mavis is the founder of ANKH Services Consultancy (Health, Care and Community) and ANKH Place CIC (grass roots community organisation) and a Trustee for East London Black Women’s Organisation (ELBWO). 

Mavis commits to supporting and influencing the reclaiming of the narrative and to visibly fostering radical change within and without of systems. She is passionate about community and grassroots leadership, flipping the script as necessary, people development, co-design and co-delivery.