This video was made to kick off a project and discussion about, as the title says, ‘Negotiating AI as a Community’. It is particularly addressed to the community in Newham where I hope that we will learn to use AI to bring us together rather than atomise and isolate us. AI has the potentials to be hugely librating and to be hugely oppressive. How the story ends depends on how we develop our relationship with AI and with each other as a community.
The video was made using AI, specifically Notebook LM, and demonstrates the enormous power of the technology. It discusses a project for which FCSS has applied for funding. It is intended that FCSS should lead on this but that it would be a collaborative project bringing in different organisations within Newham’s community sector. Regardless of whether this bid is successful we would, as Newham Mosaic and Netstorms, like to pursue this direction over the coming year.