There were 22 Zoom logins to the first ‘Story of Africa’ workshop on Saturday 1 March ‘Beginnings and Wonders’. Discounting Ayo, Rose, Sophie and myself who are all involved in the management of these events, that means that there were 18 non-management logins from about 36 who had pre-registered – of course these logins would in some cases represent more than one participant.

What people who did not show up missed was a very well structured and informative talk from Ayo Haynes who certainly kept my interest over the two hours.

Ayo spoke initially about prehistory and the movement of humans and our predecessors across and out of Africa over vast time periods. She then settled on the history of Egypt which she described as having ’30 dynasties and 300 pharaohs over 3000 years’. An approximation no doubt but a good way of grasping the stretch of the civilisation over time.!

Join us for Session 2 – Friday 8th March: Kingdoms of Wealth and Wisdom: We journey through the sands of time to discover the kingdoms of Kush, Axum, and Carthage, then venture south to the architectural wonders of Great Zimbabwe and the thriving trade centres of the Swahili Coast.

You can still register for the remaining sessions at

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8 months ago

I’m extremely curious about this area of history – particularly prehistory, the “across & out of Africa” migrations. Is there any way I could pick up on some of the info from this talk without stepping on anyone’s toes? Perhaps a summary or the notes/reference section, if anything like that is available. I’ve tried to do my own research, but lost myself in a trail of outdated info, heavy jargon, paywalls, blah de blah, you know how it is 🙂


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